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Our Apiary

Our Story

Our farm's namesake comes from a large Shagbark Hickory Nut tree on the farm. When my mother was a little girl she would take refreshments to my grandfather under this tree as well as gather hickory nuts for Grandma's Famous Fudge and it still stands today. My wife and I started HTFA in 2014 when I left my career with the US Marines. We have a deep passion for the land and wanted to farm it in a way that would compliment nature and the environment. The choice was simple!
We would raise honeybees! After a few seasons by myself, I became a Heroes to Hives student and the rest is history. 


Hickory Tree Farm Apiaries is staffed by Nick and Nicole Kaminski. We are assisted by our two young sons: Henry and Walter, as well as, Nick's parents: Dennis and Nita. 


Farm Fun

Happy bees and an even happier beekeeper
Working bees in Georgia!
Meet your bearded beekeeper
Making baby queens
Setting up for pollination
Do you see the queen??
Inspecting their hard work
Nice frame of bees!
Bee Boxes
Little Helpers
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